Step by step detailed technical manual for installing SERO (SUPER-ZK) Protocol on your local machine{Requires: CentOS7}
This article will cover following subjects :
1) Creating Accounts.
1) Mining SERO coins.
2) Generating transactions.
3) Deploying smart contract on SERO.
4) Doing anonymous transaction to another accounts using the coins issued by the smart contract.
and much more!
1. Hardware Requirements
With the current scale of the Beta network, the recommended requirements is:
Processor: CPU with 2 threads or more(4 threads will run more smoothly)
Disk space: 10G
#Hardware information of test machine in this document
Processor : Xeon E5-26xx v4 (C2T2)
Disk space : 50GB
2. Environment preparation
Install the GO and GIT client
$ sudo yum install golang
$ sudo yum install git
Install the required C++ dependency library
#Install Boost Library
$ sudo yum install boost
#May also need to install gmp, libgomp, procps-ng
$ sudo yum install gmp libgomp procps-ng
3. Get the source code
Create the GOPATH directory
$ pwd
... /root
$ mkdir gopath
$ mkdir gopath/src
$ mkdir gopath/src/
$ mkdir gopath/src/
$ export GOPATH=/root/gopath
$ cd gopath/src/
Visit the go-sero project webpage to clone the code:
$ git clone
Visit the go-czero-import project webpage to clone the code:
$ git clone
4. Compile gero
$ ls
... go-sero go-czero-import
$ cd go-sero
$ make all
$ ls build/bin/gero
... build/bin/gero
You can see that the executable program gero
is generated under the path build/bin, and if you want to recompile it, use the command:
$ make clean
$ make all
5. Configuration
With the executable program gero
, you can run SERO's backend service and interactive console.
First, configure the environment running gero
Create the SERO data storage directory
$ mkdir ~/sero-data
Set the dynamic library importing path
6. Start the background service
With the executable program gero
, you can now launch four different types of modes:
Start dev mode
$ build/bin/gero --dev --datadir "~/sero-data" --ipcpath "~/sero-data/gero.ipc" > ~/sero-data/debug.log
In this mode, you should connect other dev nodes manually. Mining difficulty is very easy and unlimited.
Start alpha mode
$ build/bin/gero --alpha --datadir "~/sero-data" --ipcpath "~/sero-data/gero.ipc" > ~/sero-data/debug.log
In this mode, the AlphaNet is automatically linked and start synchronizing data. The AlphaNet is the internal test network of SERO. The mining requires a license. If there is a test requirement, you can send an email to []( to apply for a "mining license" or "SERO token for test".
Start beta mode
$ build/bin/gero --datadir "~/sero-data" --ipcpath "~/sero-data/gero.ipc" > ~/sero-data/debug.log
In this mode, the BetaNet network is automatically linked and start synchronizing data. The BetaNet is the beta test network of SERO. The mining requires a license also. If there is a test requirement, you can send an email to []( to apply for a "mining license" or "SERO token for test".
Start Main mode
This mode is not currently supported and will be provided when the main network is online...
Result output
As long as you see the terminal output "IPC endpoint opened", it means that the service startup has been successful. Now you can start the gero console to connect to the background service.
7. Start the gero console
When adding the attach parameter, gero can be started as a console.
#Start the gero service in the background
$ nohup build/bin/gero --dev --datadir "~/sero-data" --ipcpath "~/sero-data/gero.ipc" > ~/sero-data/gero.log &
#Start the console
$ build/bin/gero --datadir "~/sero-data" attach
The attach parameter will let gero launch a interactive console based on JS virtual machine.
In which you can run complex Javascript interactive commands, the command to exit the console is
> exit
8. Accounts management
Create account
> personal.newAccount("[PASSWORD]")
... "[PK]"
is the password for this account, because SERO does not store the user's private key. If there is no operation for 5 minutes, the account will be locked. In this case, to transfer the account, you need to use this password to unlock the accout. The command of create user will returns the user's public key. This public key can be used as a transfer address.
View all public keys
> sero.accounts
... ["[PK0]","[PK1]",...,"[PKn]"]
This command returns the public keys of all accounts in the current wallet.
Unlock account
> personal.unlockAccount("[PK]","[PASSWORD]")
is the user's public key
Get account balance
> sero.getBalance("[PK]")
... {tkn:{...},tkt:{...}}
shows all the Tokens
balances of the account by category, and tkt
shows all the Tickets
held by the account by category.
9. Mining
Start mining
> miner.start()
Stop mining
> miner.stop()
Console sleep
> admin.sleepBlocks(num)
The parameter num
is the number of blocks that need to sleep. This method must be invoked when the mining is started, otherwise the system will be blocked constantly. It should be noted that the reward obtained by the mining, by default, will enter the _ public address _ generated _ temporary address (PKr)_ of the 0th account of sero.accounts
10.Perform transactions
When there is already a reward for mining in accounts[0]
, it can be transferred to another account.
Transaction command
… “[TX_ID]”
Where [SRC_PK] is the public key of the sender, [TARGET_PK] is the public key of the recipient, [NUM_OF_TA] is the minimum unit amount, the minimum unit of the SERO is TA, and the conversion unit is `1 SERO = 10^18 TA`. The return value [TX_ID] is the ID of the generated transaction.
After the transaction is generated, it will be synchronized to other nodes in the current network, waiting to be packaged into the block. After packing into the block, you can use the following command to get the details of the transaction.
Get transaction details
> sero.getTransaction("[TX_ID]")
The main formation of [TX_DETAIL] is as follows:
from: "[SENDER PKr]",
stx: {
Desc_Z_Ins: [{
Trace: "[TRACE ID]"
Proof: "[ZKP PROOF]"
Desc_Z_Outs: [{
Proof: "[ZKP PROOF]"
11. Deploy smart contracts
SERO’s methods of deploy smart contracts are similar to those of Ethereum.
Compile smart contracts
Open the following link to using SERO’s smart contract editor:
After loading, you can see an example of sero token. sol
issuing anonymous tokens.
Select seroToken
in the upper right corner and click Details
Click the copy button in the upper left corner of the pop-up box WEB3DEPLOY
Modify initialization parameters
Modify the initialization variables in a text editor.
Deploy smart contract
Then paste all of the text into the console and press Enter. The console will immediately send a transaction to deylpy this smart contract.
View smart contract account
After the transaction is successfully executed, the token issued by the smart contract can be viewed through the command sero.getBalance
Call the smart contract
The anonymous tokens issued by the smart contract can be sent to the personal account using the transfer
method defined by the smart contract.
Send anonymous tokens
Now the tokens of HELLOCOIN
is already in the account of account[0]
, account[0]
can sent the tokens to other accounts with normal transactions command. But be sure to remember that the token name cy:"HELLOCOIN"
must be specified in the parameter.
Finally, in the accounts of accounts[1], you can see that it has received 500 tokens of HELLOCOIN
The transaction is also confidential transaction.
The end
The introductory document ends here now. Next document we will explain in detail the main differences between SERO and Ethereum, and how Tokens
and Tickets
are used in smart contracts.
If you are interested in the principles of SERO and the zero-knowledge proofs algorithms, you can download our white paper from SERO’s [official website] ( Any suggestions can also be sent to [] (
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